Do you love snail mail? I'm a huge fan!

In days gone by there was sheer delight on receipt of, not just a communication, but a handmade personalised work of original art. Not digitally intangible. Not mass produced and disposable. A collector’s one-off object of inspiration and delight!


A letter is communication you could see and feel, perhaps scented with perfume or wrapped around a delicious treat. Snail mail is not just communication though, it's an unforgettable sensory experience and unfortunately a dying art. What could be a better creative un-blocker than creating a one-of-a-kind communication for someone you love?

My templates are designed to kickstart the snail mail creation process. Feel free to add your own colours, or use mine, either on the matching notepaper provided, or written on the inside of the envelope, as it would have been done in yesteryear.

Perhaps enclose a token such as a drawing, poem or pressed flower.

Let's revive the snail mail art form, one handwritten letter and envelope at a time!

Keep pushing your creative boundaries and enjoy your creative journey!

Monique x

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